Monday, May 6, 2024
Startups in Africa

GasPAL is bridging the gap between gas suppliers and customers


Can you imagine you were dreaming of making that dish that was living rent free in your head, you already have the ingredients ready. The journey of a thousand miles, they say starts with a step; you start your cooking and it is twenty more minutes left for the dish to be ready, but then, you are out of gas.

You are in a situation where you cannot retreat or surrender, you just have to forge ahead. You start thinking of how you will get a cab to take you to the gas station, you do not know whether there will be traffic or not and there is the fact that some gas stations do not open on Sundays.

GasPAL was conceived as the solution to this pain point. It was launched in 2021 by Kachi Samuel and currently available in Lagos State, with expansion in the cards to other parts of the country.

GasPAL brings the gas to you with the help of a mobile app and a delivery system in place. The company does not charge any additional costs and refills gas at the same price as a gas station.

For ease of service, like the mobile app of your various banks, you have to download the app and create an account, input your address, select the size of your cylinder and tap on the request. A supplier close to you pops up like when you are ordering a bolt or an uber. Once the location and the price of the gas is okay for the customer, the customer calls the delivery agent who will show up and refill the gas. The mobile application has a tracking system that lets customers track their cylinders while it is en route.

Transparency, safety and convenience are part of the features of the company’s services.

GasPAL is changing the way we get gas and it is adhering to the times; a time where everything is done at the touch of a button.

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